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Thursday, May 4th
8:00 AM

To transfuse or not to transfuse? Preoperative transfusion practices for pediatric Sickle Cell Patients Undergoing Central Venous Access Procedures

Rebecca Moreci, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans

8:00 AM - 8:10 AM

8:10 AM

Outcomes in Pediatric Vascular Trauma

Amanda Tullos, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans

8:10 AM - 8:20 AM

8:20 AM

Quality of life improvement after surgical management of severe hidradenitis supprativa in adolescents

Anne Faulk, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans

8:20 AM - 8:30 AM

8:30 AM

Solid Organ Pseudoaneurysms in Patients with High Grade Traumatic Injuries: A Case Series

Shivani Jain, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans

8:30 AM - 8:40 AM

8:40 AM

Stratification of neuroendocrine cancer patients for ecto - 5’ - nucleotidase inhibition

Michael Maurer, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center New Orleans

8:40 AM - 8:50 AM

8:50 AM

Aortoiliac Occlusive Disease and Refractory Malignant Hypertension: A Case Report

Andrew Mercante, LSU Health Sciences Center- New Orleans

8:50 AM - 9:00 AM

9:00 AM

Risk Factors for readmission after elective colectomy for uncomplicated diverticulitis

Katherine Pavleszek, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center New Orleans

9:00 AM - 9:10 AM

9:10 AM

Retrospective Study of Regional Anesthesia or General Anesthesia for Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty

Austin Primeaux, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center New Orleans

9:10 AM - 9:20 AM

9:20 AM

An Analysis of Age at Cleft Surgery Based on Gender, Race, Distance from Treatment Center, and Payor Status

Jonathan Richard, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center New Orleans

9:20 AM - 9:30 AM

9:30 AM

Prophylactic use of antibiotics in tube thoracostomy for traumatic thoracic injuries: A Retrospective Analysis

Ryan Schroeder, LSU Health Sciences Center- New Orleans

9:30 AM - 10:40 AM

10:00 AM

Treatment of Infected Total Hip Arthroplasty with Pelvic Discontinuity: A Case Report

Leland van Deventer, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans

10:00 AM - 10:10 AM

10:10 AM

Enzymatic Disaggregation Is Superior to Mechanical De - Epithelialization in Preparation of Cutis Grafts for Hernia Repair: Results of the Cutis Ex - vivo Graft I Study (CutE Graft I)

Jeanette A. Zavala, LSU Health Sciences Center- New Orleans

10:10 AM - 10:20 AM

10:20 AM

Elucidating the Racial Disparity in the Age and Stage at Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer

McKenzie Hargis, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center New Orleans

10:20 AM - 10:30 AM

10:30 AM

Determining the Inflammatory and Microbial Profiles of Peritoneal Fluid from Trauma Patients Following Damage Control Laparotomy

Paige Deville, LSU Health Sciences Center- New Orleans

10:30 AM - 10:40 AM