Journal of the Louisiana Public Health Association

2021v2no1 Full Issue
Donna L. Williams
2021 v2no1 Cover, Publishing and Table of Contents
Donna L. Williams
Commentary - Students: Publish in the JLPHA
Edward Trapido
Commentary - Student Commentary: Exploring the Role of White Supremacy in the Pursuit of Health Equity
Kori Lannaman and Amber Brown
Brief Reports - Community-Informed Perspectives on Barriers to Accessing New Orleans' Community-based Clinics
Nikki Khorsandi
Program Evaluation - The "Consider Breastfeeding" Mixed Media Campaign for Breastfeeding Promotion" An Evaluation of a Pilot Study
Caitrin Alb, Melissa Goldin Evans, Meshawn Tarver, Renata A. Granger, Elizabeth Langlois, and Katherine Theall
Research - Criminal Conviction History and Psychiatric Symptom Severity in an Outpatient Trauma Clinic
Kayling J. Beiter, Elizabeth Whitham, Adina Suss, Erika Rajo, and Erich J. Conrad
Research - Implicit Bias and Racial Disparities in School Discipline Responses in Louisiana
Casey L. Thomas, Kaylin Beiter, Ashley Fenton, and Stephen Phillippi
Research - Development, Evaluation, and Enhancement of a Transdisciplinary Project-Based and Community-Engaged Environmental Public Health Curriculum for Primary and Secondary Students
Victoria Peluso, Kari Brisolara, Haley Capello, Matthew Spence, Aubrey Gilliland, and Adrienne Katner
Research - The Impacts of Police Raids on Female Strippers in New Orleans
Alexandra Jaoiche, Allie Beth, Jeni Stolow, and Gretchen Clum
Research - Incarceration of a Household Member during Childhood and Health-Related Quality of Life
Amy Hilliker and Andrei Stefanescu