2024 |
Thursday, May 9th |
10:10 AM
Surgeon perspective on the surgical treatment of acute diverticulitis: Hartmann’s Procedure vs Primary Anastomosis
Andrea Fa, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Alexander T. Hawkins, Vanderbilt University
10:10 AM - 10:15 AM
10:15 AM
The NO HERNIA Clinical Trial for Biological Prophylaxis Against Incisional Hernias
G E. Messa, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
M A. Maier, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
T Milosavljevic, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
J P. Boudreaux, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
P Greiffenstein, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
N Bolton, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
I Hodgdon, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
M Cook, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
F H. Lau, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
10:15 AM - 10:20 AM
10:20 AM
Obstructive Jaundice Due to Malignancy: Do All Patients Need Treatment?
S J. Bordes, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
M A. Al Efishat, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
M Maluccio, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
J Watson, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
O. Moaven, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
V Nfonsam, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
JM Lyons, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
10:20 AM - 10:25 AM
10:25 AM
Board Certification In Vascular Surgery Predicts Better Outcomes In Open Abdominal Aneurysm Repair Than Certification In General Surgery Alone
Sophia Trinh, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Amanda Tullos, Geisinger Health System
Denise Danos, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Claudie Sheahan, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Rabih Chaer, University of Pittsburgh
Jason Lee
Thomas Huber, University of Florida
Kellie Brown, Medical College of Wisconsin
Malachi Sheahan, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
10:25 AM - 10:30 AM
10:30 AM
Impact of Bacterial Infection in a Murine Model of Concomitant Major Burn and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
F S. Rais, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
J Dennis, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
S Trinh, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
C Fontenot, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
B A. Irving, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
B Shammassian, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
S Vita
J Schoen, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Jeffrey Carter, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
H A. Phelan, hphel1@lsuhsc.edu
J Hobden, jhobde@lsuhsc.edu
A A. Smith, asmi60@lsuhsc.edu
10:30 AM - 10:35 AM
10:35 AM
Abdominal Seatbelt Signs and Hollow Viscous Injury: The Predictive Value of CT Free Fluid in Determining the Need for Observation
Griffin Brown, University Hospital - Lafayette
Jacob Stover, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Paige Deville, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Jack Leoni, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
John Hunt, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Patrick Greiffenstein, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Alan Marr, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Lance Stuke, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Alison Smith, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
10:35 AM - 10:40 AM
10:40 AM
How Fast Is Too Fast: Time to Treatment and Positive Margin in Rectal Cancer
Gabriell Prezkop, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Brian Carr, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Karleigh Curfman, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Elyse Bevier-Rawls, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
10:40 AM - 10:45 AM
10:45 AM
Proteomics of Adipose Tissue Derived from Patients with Major Burn Injury: A Pilot Study
Jenna Dennis, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Olivia Warren, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Jonathan Schoen, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Herb Phelan, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Jeffrey Carter, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Alison Smith, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
10:45 AM - 10:50 AM
10:50 AM
Decision to Operate on Hepatocellular Cancer Patients is Not Driven by Comorbidities in Louisiana
Annie Talbot, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Denise Danos, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Yong Yi, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Lauren Maniscalco, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Mohammad Al Efishat, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
James Watson, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Omeed Moaven, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Mary Maluccio, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Valentine Nfonsam, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Xiao-Cheng Wu, xwu@lsuhsc.edu
John Lyons, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
10:50 AM - 10:55 AM
10:55 AM
Recurrent Firearm Violence in a Major Urban City: Does Insurance Status Matter?
Samuel Baum, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Annelies DeWulf, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Jennifer Avegno, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Erica Rajo, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Sandy Hyatt, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Alison Smith, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
10:55 AM - 11:00 AM