Publications authored by the faculty and students of the School of Public Health, LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans.

Please note that if there are multiple LSUHSC authors, then the publication is slotted into the school of the first campus author.


Submissions from 2021


Racial Differences in the Risk of Second Primary Bladder Cancer Following Radiation Therapy Among Localized Prostate Cancer Patients, Lu Zhang, Mei Chin Hsieh, Claire Allison, Michael Devane, Chindo Hicks, Qingzhao Yu, Lu Shi, Jiande Wu, and Xiao Cheng Wu


Risk Factors of Treatment Delay Among NON-SMALL Cell LUNG Cancer (NSCLC) Patients in Louisiana, Y Zhang, Mei-Chin Hsieh, E Nauman, K Callison, S Tackett, and L Shi


Understanding the Patient Journey to Diagnosis of Lung Cancer, Yichen Zhang, Michael J. Simoff, David Ost, Oliver J. Wagner, James Lavin, Beth Nauman, Mei Chin Hsieh, Xiao Cheng Wu, Brian Pettiford, and Lizheng Shi


Attitudes toward Pursuing Genetic Testing among Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Taiwan: A Qualitative Investigation, Zihan Zhang, Justin Kramer, Haocen Wang, Wei-Ju Chen, Tse-Yang Huang, Yann-Jang Chen, Tung-Sung Tseng, and Lei-Shih Chen


Psychometric Properties of the POAGTS: A Tool for Understanding Parents' Perceptions Regarding Autism Spectrum Disorder Genetic Testing, Shixi Zhao, Wei-Ju Chen, Oi-Man Kwok, Shweta U. Dhar, Tanya N. Eble, Tung-Sung Tseng, and Lei-Shih Chen


Activity Groups as Mental Health Interventions for Creative Arts Professionals, Sarah Zoghbi, Penny Roberts, Miranda Pollock, and Le Anne Steen

Submissions from 2020


Dietary folate and prostate cancer tumor aggressiveness differences between African Americans and European Americans, Daniela Ramirez Aguilar, Susan E. Steck, Hui-Yi Lin, and LJ Su


Privacy-Preserving Deep Learning NLP Models for Cancer Registries, Mohammed Alawad, Hong-Jun Yoon, Shang Gao, Brent Mumphrey, Xiao-Cheng Wu, Eric B. Durbin, Jong C. Jeong, Isaac Hands, David Rust, Linda Coyle, Lynne Penberthy, and Georgia Tourassi


Pets in comprehensive disaster planning: The post-Hurricane Katrina experience, Sarah A. Babcock and Dean G. Smith


Residuals, sludge, and biosolids: Advancements in the field, Kari B. Brisolara, Bailey Gentile, Kate Puszykowski, and John Bourgeois


The Louisiana wellness centers program for HIV/STD prevention among gay and bisexual men and transgender persons, Samuel Burgess, John Beltrami, Laura Kearns, and De Ann Gruber


Measuring Student Interprofessional Skills in the Roles/Responsibilities Competency, Rachel Chappell, Amanda Goumas, Shay Hollie, Elizabeth G. Levitzky, and Tina Patel Gunaldo


COSTS OF BIOPSY AND COMPLICATIONS IN PATIENTS WITH LUNG CANCER, Y W. Chiu, Y H. Kao, M J. Simoff, D Ost, O Wagner, J Lavin, R Culbertson, and D G. Smith


Do rural patients with operable breast cancer fare worse than urban patients in Louisiana? Results of the Louisiana cancer consortium, Quyen D. Chu, Mei Chin Hsieh, Yen Chu, John Lyons, Emad Kandil, Ralph Corsetti, Robert K. White, Jennifer L. Gnerlich, and Xiao Cheng Wu


HIV antiretroviral therapy and prevention use in US blood donors: A new blood safety concern, Brian Custer, Claire Quiner, Richard Haaland, Amy Martin, Mars Stone, Rita Reik, Whitney R. Steele, Debra Kessler, Phillip C. Williamson, Steven A. Anderson, Alan E. Williams, Henry F. Raymond, Willi McFarland, William T. Robinson, Sara Glick, Kwa Sey, C. David Melton, Simone A. Glynn, Susan L. Stramer, and Michael P. Busch


Hurricane Katrina at 15: Introduction to the special section, Shelina Davis, Knesha Rose-Davison, and Dean G. Smith


Emerging Tickborne Viral Infections: What Wilderness Medicine Providers Need to Know, James H. Diaz


Hypothesis: Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors and Angiotensin Receptor Blockers May Increase the Risk of Severe COVID-19, James H. Diaz


The environmental health impact of Hurricane Katrina on New Orleans, James H. Diaz, Kari F. Brisolara, Daniel J. Harrington, Chih Yang Hu, and Adrienne L. Katner


A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies of multiple myeloma among men and women of African ancestry, Zhaohui Du, Niels Weinhold, Gregory Chi Song, Kristin A. Rand Song, David J. Van Den Berg Song, Amie E. Hwang Song, Xin Sheng Song, Victor Hom Song, Sikander Ailawadhi, Ajay K. Nooka, Seema Singhal, Karen Pawlish, and Edward S. Peters


Prevalence of COVID-19 in Louisiana and Its Association With Race, Concentrated Disadvantage, Chronic Disease Prevalence and Other Social Determinants of Health., T F Ferguson, H A Williams, and D Danos


Prevalence of Eustachian Tube Dysfunction in the US Elderly Population, Jakob L. Fischer, Charles A. Riley, Mei Chin Hsieh, Michael J. Marino, Xiao Cheng Wu, and Edward D. McCoul


Cervical cancer screening for individuals at average risk: 2020 guideline update from the American Cancer Society., Elizabeth T. H. Fontham, Andrew M. D. Wolf, Timothy R. Church, Ruth Etzioni, Christopher R. Flowers, Abbe Herzig, Carmen E. Guerra, Kevin C. Oeffinger, Ya‐Chen Tina Shih, Louise C. Walter, Jane J. Kim, Kimberly S. Andrews, Carol E. DeSantis, Stacey A. Fedewa, Deana Manassaram‐Baptiste, Debbie Saslow, Richard C. Wender, and Robert A. Smith


Utilizing SEER cancer registries for population-based cancer survivor epidemiologic studies: a feasibility study, Lisa Gallicchio, Joanne W. Elena, Sarah Fagan, Marjorie Carter, Ann S. Hamilton, Theresa A. Hastert, Lisa L. Hunter, Jie Li, Charles F. Lynch, Joel Milam, Morgan M. Millar, Denise Modjeski, Lisa E. Paddock, Amanda R. Reed, Lisa B. Moses, Antoinette M. Stroup, Carol Sweeney, Edward J. Trapido, Michele M. West, Xiao Cheng Wu, and Kathy J. Helzlsouer


Housing insecurity and intersecting social determinants of health among transgender people in the USA: A targeted ethnography., Jennifer L. Glick, Alex Lopez, Miranda Pollock, and Katherine P. Theall


Cross-sectional associations between the neighborhood built environment and physical activity in a rural setting: the Bogalusa Heart Study., Jeanette Gustat, Christopher E Anderson, Queendaleen C Chukwurah, Maeve E Wallace, Stephanie T Broyles, and Lydia A Bazzano


A comprehensive and integrated approach to identify factors associated with aggressive prostate cancer in African-Americans: The RESPOND Study, Ann S. Hamilton, Scarlett Gomez, Xiao-Cheng Wu, Kevin Ward, Melissa Bondy, Rosemary Cress, Jennifer Beebe-Dimmer, Karen Pawlish, Jong Park, Iona Cheng, Antoinette Stroup, Thomas Sellers, Susan Gundell, Angelo Demarzo, Denise Modjeski, Stephen Chanock, Salma Shariff-Marco, Mindy DeRouen, John Carpten, Franklin Huang, Karen Sfanos, and Tamara Lotan


Knowledge Graph-Enabled Cancer Data Analytics, S M Shamimul Hasan, Donna Rivera, Xiao-Cheng Wu, Eric B. Durbin, J Blair Christian, and Georgia Tourassi


Community health worker leadership in louisiana, during and after Hurricane Katrina, Catherine G. Haywood, Dana R. Feist, Meredith K. Sugarman, Pascaline Ezouah, and Ashley Wennerstrom


Patient-Reported Outcomes Through 5 Years for Active Surveillance, Surgery, Brachytherapy, or External Beam Radiation With or Without Androgen Deprivation Therapy for Localized Prostate Cancer., Karen E. Hoffman, David F. Penson, Zhiguo Zhao, Li-Ching Huang, Ralph Conwill, Aaron A. Laviana, Daniel D. Joyce, Amy N. Luckenbaugh, Michael Goodman, Ann S. Hamilton, Xiao-Cheng Wu, Lisa E. Paddock, Antoinette Stroup, Matthew R. Cooperberg, Mia Hashibe, Brock B. O'Neil, Sherrie H. Kaplan, Sheldon Greenfield, Tatsuki Koyama, and Daniel A. Barocas


Prevalence of accessory branches and other anatomical variations in the radial artery encountered during radial forearm flap harvest: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, Ryan D. Hoffman, Denise M. Danos, Samuel J. Lin, Frank H. Lau, and Peter S. Kim


Smoking as a risk factor for the aggressive prostate cancer for African-American men from the North Carolina–Louisiana Prostate Cancer Project (PCaP), Ping-Ching Hsu, Shelbie Stahr, Christopher Brazeal, Elizabeth H. Fontham, and L. Joseph Su


Radiotherapy after radical prostatectomy: Effect of timing of postprostatectomy radiation on functional outcomes., Heather L. Huelster, Aaron A. Laviana, Daniel D. Joyce, Li-Ching Huang, Zhiguo Zhao, Tatsuki Koyama, Karen E. Hoffman, Ralph Conwill, Michael Goodman, Ann S. Hamilton, Xiao-Cheng Wu, Lisa E. Paddock, Antoinette Stroup, Matthew Cooperberg, Mia Hashibe, Brock B. O'Neil, Sherrie H. Kaplan, Sheldon Greenfield, David F. Penson, and Daniel A. Barocas


A genetic risk score to personalize prostate cancer screening, applied to population data, Minh Phuong Huynh-Le, Chun Chieh Fan, Roshan Karunamuni, Eleanor I. Walsh, Emma L. Turner, J. Athene Lane, Richard M. Martin, David E. Neal, Jenny L. Donovan, Freddie C. Hamdy, J. Kellogg Parsons, Rosalind A. Eeles, Douglas F. Easton, Zsofia Kote-Jarai, Ali Amin Al Olama, Sara Benlloch Garcia, Kenneth Muir, Henrik Gronberg, Fredrik Wiklund, Markus Aly, Johanna Schleutker, Csilla Sipeky, Teuvo L.J. Tammela, Børge Grønne Nordestgaard, Timothy J. Key, Ruth C. Travis, Paul D.P. Pharoah, Nora Pashayan, and Hui-Yi Lin


African-Specific Improvement of a Polygenic Hazard Score for Age at Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer, Roshan A. Karunamuni, Minh-Phuong Huynh-Le, Chun C. Fan, Wesley Thompson, Rosalind A. Eeles, Zsofia Kote-Jarai, Kenneth Muir, Artitaya Lophatananon, Catherine M. Tangen, Phyllis J. Goodman, Ian M. Thompson Jr, William J. Blot, Wei Zheng, Adam S. Kibel, Bettina F. Drake, Olivier Cussenot, Géraldine Cancel-Tassin, Florence Menegaux, Thérèse Truong, and Jong Y. Park


Panic in the Streets—Pandemic and Protests: A Manifestation of a Failure to Achieve Democratic Ideals, Adrienne Katner, Kari Brisolara, Philip Katner, Andrew Jacoby, and Peggy Honore


No place like home: A national study on firearm-related injuries in the American household, Napaporn Kongkaewpaisan, Majed El Hechi, Mohamad El Moheb, Claudia P. Orlas, Gezzer Ortega, Melissa A. Mendoza, Jonathan Parks, Noelle N. Saillant, Haytham M.A. Kaafarani, and April E. Mendoza


Effectiveness of a theory of planned behavior-based intervention for promoting periodontal preventive behaviors among medical students in Taiwan., Huei-Lan Lee, Ying-Chun Lin, Wu-Der Peng, Chih-Yang Hu, Chien-Hung Lee, Yuan-Jung Hsu, Yea-Yin Yen, and Hsiao-Ling Huang


The association between sugar-sweetened beverages intake, body mass index, and inflammation in US adults, Wei-Ting Lin, Yu-Hsiang Kao, Melinda S. Sothern, David W. Seal, Chien-Hung Lee, Hui-Yi Lin, Ted Chen, and Tung-Sung Tseng


Using Social Media for Smoking Cessation Interventions: A Systematic Review, Ting Luo, Mirandy Li, Donna Williams, Stephen Phillippi, Qingzhao Yu, Stephen Kantrow, Yu-Hsiang Kao, Michael D. Celestin Jr., WT Lin, and Tung-Sung Tseng


Dysphagia and masticatory performance as a mediator of the xerostomia to quality of life relation in the older population., Ting-Yu Lu, Jen-Hao Chen, Je-Kang Du, Ying-Chun Lin, Pei-Shan Ho, Chien-Hung Lee, Chih-Yang Hu, and Hsiao-Ling Huang


Implications of SARS-CoV-2 on Current and Future Operation and Management of Wastewater Systems, Rasha Maal-Bared, Kari Brisolara, Naoko Munakata, Kyle Bibby, Charles Gerba, Mark Sobsey, Scott Schaefer, Jay Swift, Lee Gary, Samendra Sherchan, Akin Babatola, Robert Bastian, Lola Olabode, Robert Reimers, and Albert Rubin


The effect of area deprivation on COVID-19 risk in Louisiana, K. C. Madhav, Evrim Oral, Susanne Straif-Bourgeois, Ariane L. Rung, and Edward S. Peters


Raccoons As an Important Reservoir for Trypanosoma cruzi: A Prevalence Study from Two Metropolitan Areas in Louisiana, Alicia Majeau, Henry Pronovost, Anna Sanford, Erin Cloherty, A Nikki Anderson, Gary Balsamo, Laura Gee, Susanne C. Straif-Bourgeois, and Claudia Herrera


Insights on COVID-19 from community health worker state leaders, Susan Mayfield-Johnson, Denise O. Smith, Sara A. Crosby, Catherine G. Haywood, Joelisa Castillo, Dolontria Bryant-Williams, Kim Jay, Milagrosa Seguinot, Treva Smith, Nicole Moore, and Ashley Wennerstrom


Inclusive Policy Development in a Community-Based Alternative Education Program Serving LGBT Youth, Stephen Phillippi, Casey L. Thomas, Mariella Gastanaduy, Amanda Hammack, and Melissa Sawyer


Identifying gaps and using evidence-based practices to serve the behavioral health treatment needs of medicaid-insured children, Stephen W. Phillippi, Kaylin Beiter, Casey Thomas, and Saskia Vos


Translation of National Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Guidelines into Statewide Standards and Practices: a Case Study, Stephen W. Phillippi, Casey L. Thomas, and Kerry Lentini


Assessing the Quality of Surgical Care for Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer: Results from the CEASAR Study, Peter A. Reisz, Aaron A. Laviana, Zhiguo Zhao, Li-Ching Huang, Tatsuki Koyama, Ralph Conwill, Karen Hoffman, Michael Goodman, Ann S. Hamilton, Xiao-Cheng Wu, Lisa E. Paddock, Antoinette Stroup, Matthew R. Cooperberg, Mia Hashibe, Brock B. O'Neil, Sherrie H. Kaplan, Sheldon Greenfield, David F. Penson, and Daniel A. Barocas


Work-family spillover and depression: Are there racial differences among employed women?, Ariane L. Rung, Evrim Oral, and Edward S. Peters


Human papillomavirus vaccination 2020 guideline update: American Cancer Society guideline adaptation, Debbie Saslow, Kimberly S. Andrews, Deana Manassaram-Baptiste, Robert A. Smith, and Elizabeth T H Fontham


Reply to The case for catch-up human papillomavirus vaccination in at-risk populations: Rural communities and survivors of pediatric and young adult cancers, Debbie Saslow, Kimberly S. Andrews, Deana Manassaram-Baptiste, Robert A. Smith, and Elizabeth T H Fontham


Etiology of Prelingual Hearing Loss in the Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Era: A Scoping Review, Ashley Satterfield-Nash, Ayesha Umrigar, and Tatiana M. Lanzieri


Exploring social determinants of cancer outcomes using multilevel spatial analysis, Richard Scribner, Denise Danos, Claudia Leonardi, Tekeda Ferguson, Qingzhao Yu, Neal Simonsen, and Xiao-Cheng Wu


Estimation of the Population Mean by Successive Use of an Auxiliary Variable in Median Ranked Set Sampling, Usman Shahzad, Ishfaq Ahmad, Evrim Oral, Muhammad Hanif, and Ibrahim M. Almanjahie


Term Limits in Academic Public Health Administration, Dean G. Smith


Identification of plasma glycosphingolipids as potential biomarkers for prostate cancer (PCA) status, Ashley J. Snider, Michael C. Seeds, Laurel Johnstone, Justin M. Snider, Brian Hallmark, Rahul Dutta, Cristina Moraga Franco, John S. Parks, Jeannette T. Bensen, Corey D. Broeckling, James L. Mohler, Gary J. Smith, Elizabeth T.H. Fontham, Hui Kuan Lin, William Bresette, Susan Sergeant, and Floyd H. Chilton


Patient-Reported Financial Toxicity Associated with Contemporary Treatment for Localized Prostate Cancer, Benjamin V. Stone, Aaron A. Laviana, Amy N. Luckenbaugh, Li-Ching Huang, Zhiguo Zhao, Tatsuki Koyama, Ralph Conwill, Karen Hoffman, Daniel D. Joyce, Michael Goodman, Ann S. Hamilton, Xiao-Cheng Wu, Lisa E. Paddock, Antoinette Stroup, Matthew R. Cooperberg, Mia Hashibe, Brock B. O'Neil, Sherrie H. Kaplan, Sheldon Greenfield, David F. Penson, and Daniel A. Barocas


Patient-Reported Financial Toxicity Associated with Contemporary Treatment for Localized Prostate Cancer, Benjamin V. Stone, Aaron A. Laviana, Amy N. Luckenbaugh, L Li-Ching Huang, Zhiguo Zhao, Tatsuki Koyama, Ralph Conwill, Karen Hoffman, Daniel D. Joyce, Michael Goodman, Ann S. Hamilton, Xiao-Cheng Wu, Lisa E. Paddock, Antoinette Stroup, Matthew R. Cooperberg, Mia Hashibe, Brock B. O'Neil, Sherrie H. Kaplan, Sheldon Greenfield, David F. Penson, and Daniel A. Barocas


Promoting Community Health Worker Leadership in Policy Development: Results from a Louisiana Workforce Study, Meredith Sugarman, Pascaline Ezouah, Catherine Haywood, and Ashley Wennerstrom


Timing of steroid doses and response rates to immune-checkpoint inhibitors in metastatic cancer, Karine Tawagi, Diana Maslov, Victoria Simenson, Helen Yuan, Cameron Parent, Adi Bamnolker, Richa Goel, Zoe Blake, Madhav KC, Marc Matrana, and Daniel Johnson


School-based health centers, academic achievement, and school discipline: A systematic review of the literature, Casey L. Thomas, Olga Acosta Price, Stephen Phillippi, and Ashley Wennerstrom


Disparities in well water outreach and assistance offered by local health departments: A North Carolina case study, Kory Wait, Adrienne Katner, Daniel Gallagher, Marc Edwards, Wilson Mize, Crystal Lee Pow Jackson, and Kelsey J. Pieper


Robust Rna-seq Data Analysis Using An Integrated Method Of Roc Curve And Kolmogorov–smirnov Test, Shengping Yang, Kun Zhang, and Zhide Fang


Accelerated training of bootstrap aggregation-based deep information extraction systems from cancer pathology reports, Hong Jun Yoon, Hilda B. Klasky, John P. Gounley, Mohammed Alawad, Shang Gao, Eric B. Durbin, Xiao Cheng Wu, Antoinette Stroup, Jennifer Doherty, Linda Coyle, Lynne Penberthy, J. Blair Christian, and Georgia D. Tourassi


Social support modifies the negative effects of acculturation on obesity and central obesity in Mexican men, Yilin Yoshida, Stephanie Broyles, Richard Scribner, Liwei Chen, Stephen Phillippi, Jeanette Jackson-Thompson, Eduardo J. Simoes, and Tung-Sung Tseng


Pathology Laboratory Policies and Procedures for Releasing Diagnostic Tissue for Cancer Research, Yao Yuan, Alison L. Van Dyke, Valentina I. Petkov, Sarah Hussey, Radim Moravec, Sean F. Altekruse, Mayra Sandoval, Rosemary D. Cress, Lloyd M. Mueller, Alan Mogi, Brenda Y. Hernandez, Freda R. Selk, Charles F. Lynch, Thomas C. Tucker, Mary Anne Lynch, Christina Lefante, Xiao-Cheng Wu, Carol Sweeney, Jennifer A. Doherty, and Lynne S. Penberthy


A Multivariate Multiple Third-Variable Effect Analysis With an Application to Explore Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Obesity, Qingzhao Yu and Bin Li


Model-guided adaptive sampling for Bayesian model selection, Qingzhao Yu and Bin Li


Third-variable effect analysis with multilevel additive models, Qingzhao Yu and Bin Li


Variability in Cytogenetic Testing for Multiple Myeloma: A Comprehensive Analysis From Across the United States, Yang Yu, Niquelle Brown Wade, Amie E. Hwang, Ajay K. Nooka, Mark A. Fiala, Ann Mohrbacher, Edward S. Peters, Karen Pawlish, Cathryn Bock, and David J. Van Den Berg






LUNG CANCER PATIENT CHARACTERISTICS FROM A DATA LINKAGE STUDY, Y Zhang, M Simoff, D Ost, O Wagner, J Lavin, E Nauman, M C. Hsieh, X C. Wu, and L Shi

Submissions from 2019


Automatic extraction of cancer registry reportable information from free-text pathology reports using multitask convolutional neural networks., Mohammed Alawad, Shang Gao, John X Qiu, Hong Jun Yoon, J Blair Christian, Lynne Penberthy, Brent Mumphrey, Xiao-Cheng Wu, Linda Coyle, and Georgia Tourassi


Long-acting reversible contraceptive utilization after policy change increasing device reimbursement to wholesale acquisition cost in Louisiana, Melissa Goldin Evans, Stephanie W. Broyles, Brittni Frederiksen, Rebekah E. Gee, Stephen W. Phillippi, Melinda Sothern, Katherine P. Theall, and Joan Wightkin


Health beliefs associated with poor disease self-management in smokers with asthma and/or COPD: a pilot study, Claire Hayes Watson, Henry Nuss, Michael Celestin, Tung-Sung Tseng, Nereida Parada, Qingzhao Yu, and Sarah Moody-Thomas


Using the emergency department to investigate smoking in young adults, Stephen P. Kantrow, Sarah E. Jolley, Eboni G. Price-Haywood, Xinnan Wang, Tung-Sung Tseng, Dodie Arnold, Lisanne F. Brown, Claudia Leonardi, Richard A. Scribner, Edward J. Trapido, and Hui Yi Lin


Smoking Relapse and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus-Related Emergency Department Visits Among Senior Patients with Diabetes, Yu-Hsiang Kao, Michael D. Celestin, Carl D. Walker, Qingzhao Yu, John Couk, Sarah Moody-Thomas, Huijie Zhang, and Tung-Sung Tseng


Racial and Income Disparities in Health-Related Quality of Life among Smokers with a Quit Attempt in Louisiana, Yu-Hsiang Kao, Michael D. Celestin, Qingzhao Yu, Sarah Moody-Thomas, Krysten Jones-Winn, and Tung-Sung Tseng

Continuity of outpatient care and avoidable hospitalization: a systematic review, Yu-Hsiang Kao, Wei-Ting Lin, Wan-Hsuan Chen, Shiao-Chi Wu, and Tung-Sung Tseng


Association between smoking and neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio among prostate cancer survivors: the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, Yu-Hsiang Kao, Wei-Ting Lin, Casey L. Thomas, Hui-Yi Lin, and Tung-Sung Tseng

Association between continuity of care and emergency department visits and hospitalization in senior adults with asthma-COPD overlap, Yu-Hsiang Kao, Tung-Sung Tseng, Yee-Yung Ng, and Shiao-Chi Wu

Ensemble Of Fast Learning Stochastic Gradient Boosting, Bin Li, Qingzhao Yu, and Lu Peng


Alcohol intake patterns for cancer and non-cancer individuals: a population study, Hui-Yi Lin, Paige Fisher, Darian Harris, and Tung-Sung Tseng


Population science in cancer, Hui Yi Lin and Tung-Sung Tseng


Medicaid Utilization Before and After a Natural Disaster in the 2016 Baton Rouge-Area Flood, Stephen W. Phillippi, Kaylin Beiter, Casey L. Thomas, Olivia K. Sugarman, Ashley Wennerstrom, Kenneth B. Wells, and Edward Trapido


Differences in clinical presentation and outcomes between women with typical versus atypical amniotic fluid embolism., Irene Stafford, Amirhossein Moaddab, Gary Dildy, Miranda Klassen, Alexandra Berra, Christine Watters, Michael A. Belfort, Roberto Romero, and Steven Clark


Total Knee Arthroplasty Outcomes in Patients with Medicare, Medicare Advantage, and Commercial Insurance, Hunter Starring, William H. Waddell, William Steward, Stuart Schexnayder, Jack McKay, Claudia Leonardi, Amy Bronstone, and Vinod Dasa


Knowledge and attitudes towards low dose computed tomography lung cancer screening and smoking among African Americans-a mixed method study, Tung-Sung Tseng, Tyra Gross, Michael D. Celestin, Wendy Dang, Lucretia Young, Yu-Hsiang Kao, Mirandy Li, David L. Smith, Leonard R. Bok, Jyotsna Fuloria, and Sarah Moody-Thomas

Submissions from 2018


Differences in Treating Tobacco Use Across National, State, and Public Hospital System Surveys, Michael D. Celestin, Tekeda Ferguson, Edward C. Ledford, Tung-Sung Tseng, Thomas Carton, and Sarah Moody-Thomas


Racial Differences in Data Quality and Completeness: Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems' Experiences, Yuying Chen, Hui Yi Lin, Tung-Sung Tseng, Huacong Wen, and Michael J. DeVivo


Case Study of Resilient Baton Rouge: Applying Depression Collaborative Care and Community Planning to Disaster Recovery, Robin Keegan, Leslie T. Grover, David Patron, Olivia K. Sugarman, Krystal Griffith, Suzy Sonnier, Benjamin F. Springgate, Lauren Crapanzano Jumonville, Sarah Gardner, Willie Massey, Jeanne Miranda, Bowen Chung, Kenneth B. Wells, Stephen Phillippi, Ed Trapido, Alexa Ramirez, Diana Meyers, Catherine Haywood, Craig Landry, and Ashley Wennerstrom

Submissions from 2017


A Reliable, Feasible Method to Observe Neighborhoods at High Spatial Resolution, Maura M. Kepper, Melinda S. Sothern, Katherine P. Theall, Lauren A. Griffiths, Richard A. Scribner, Tung-Sung Tseng, Paul Schaettle, Jessica M. Cwik, Erica Felker-Kantor, and Stephanie T. Broyles


Incarcerated Black Women in the Southern USA: A Narrative Review of STI and HIV Risk and Implications for Future Public Health Research, Practice, and Policy, Nicole Pelligrino, Barbara H. Zaitzow, Melinda Sothern, Richard Scribner, and Stephen W. Phillippi


Social marketing for a farmer's market in an underserved community: A needs assessment, Meg Skizim, Melinda Sothern, Ondrej Blaha, Tung-Sung Tseng, Lauren Griffiths, Jonathan Joseph, and Henry Nuss


Genetics/genomics education for nongenetic health professionals: a systematic literature review, Divya Talwar, Tung-Sung Tseng, Margaret Foster, Lei Xu, and Lei-Shih Chen


Diet quality and its relationship with central obesity among Mexican Americans: findings from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 1999-2012, Yilin Yoshida, Richard Scribner, Liwei Chen, Stephanie Broyles, Stephen Phillippi, and Tung-Sung Tseng


Role of Age and Acculturation in Diet Quality Among Mexican Americans - Findings From the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999-2012, Yilin Yoshida, Richard Scribner, Liwei Chen, Stephanie Broyles, Stephen Phillippi, and Tung-Sung Tseng

Submissions from 2016


How are lung cancer risk perceptions and cigarette smoking related?-testing an accuracy hypothesis, Lei-Shih Chen, Kimberly A. Kaphingst, Tung-Sung Tseng, and Shixi Zhao