Type of Art

Manipulated photograph
Biographical Information
1910-1999; New Orleans civil rights leader; served in the Louisiana House of Representatives 1975-1999; Charity Hospital was renamed the Rev. Avery C. Alexander Medical Center in 1999; there is also a statue of Alexander, known as "the Crusader" which is located at University Medical Center on Canal Street, in the Galvez Street courtyard, having been relocated from Charity Hospital after Katrina.
Historical Information
Framed item was housed in Charity Hospital at 1532 Tulane Ave until 2006. It was removed to the Louisiana State Archives in Baton Rouge. This piece was part of a collection that was returned to New Orleans and the LSUHSC Campus in September 2024.
36" x 44"
Physical Location
Isché Library RCB402
Date at Location