Increasing Rates of Human Papillomavirus Catch-Up Vaccination at a Sexual/Reproductive Health Clinic: A Quality Improvement Project

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Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health


Introduction: Catch-up human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination of adults aged 19 to 26 who were not vaccinated as children or adolescents may decrease rates of HPV-associated cancer. The purpose of this project was to increase uptake of catch-up HPV vaccination at a sexual and reproductive health clinic through the implementation of a multicomponent, systems-based intervention. Process: Catch-up vaccination rates were recorded at an intervention health clinic and a comparison health clinic. A comparative, interrupted time series design was used to compare rates of catch-up vaccination pre- and postintervention. Electronic health record prompts, in-clinic education, and scheduling of a next visit at the current visit were implemented. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t tests, and regression analysis. Outcomes: The proportion of all patients aged 19 to 26 who received an HPV vaccination rose at the intervention health clinic from 0.76% preintervention to 4.42% postintervention. At the intervention clinic there was a nonsignificant increase (4.47 minutes) in average daily patient cycle times between the pre- and postintervention periods (t(13) = 1.895, P =.075). Discussion: Rates of catch-up HPV vaccination increased significantly following the multicomponent, systems-based intervention. Further iteration of the quality improvement process should examine the sustainability of the interventions and the effects of the intervention on vaccine series completion.

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