Publications authored by the faculty, residents, fellows, and students of the School of Medicine, LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans.

Please note that if there are multiple LSUHSC authors, then the publication is slotted into the school of the first campus author.


Submissions from 2009

Modification of vascular function after handgrip exercise training in 73- to 90-yr-old men, Devon A. Dobrosielski, Frank L. Greenway, David A. Welsh, S Michal Jazwinski, Michael A. Welsch, Louisiana Healthy Aging Study, Lauri O. Byerley, and et al

Aerobic fitness does not modulate protein metabolism in response to increased exercise: a controlled trial, Tracey J. Smith, Matthew A. Pikosky, Ann Grediagin, Carmen Castaneda-Sceppa, Lauri O. Byerley, Ellen L. Glickman, and Andrew J. Young