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Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care


Uptake of PrEP remains suboptimal, especially in the Southern United States. Same-day or “Rapid PrEP Initiatives” (RPIs) in sexual health centers (SHCs) could facilitate access and overcome barriers to PrEP. We studied the adaptation of an RPI from Denver, Colorado to an SHC in New Orleans, Louisiana. Through focus group discussions (FGDs) with local SHC staff and PrEP providers, we developed a preliminary RPI model. In 5 FGDs with SHC clients referred for or taking PrEP, we gathered adaptation recommendations and feedback on model acceptability, feasibility, and utility. Providers and clients voiced unanimous support for the RPI. Clients favored the ease of same-day PrEP initiation and emphasized a desire for navigational support, financial counseling, and integration of PrEP care with their other clinical needs. Clients recommended that SHC providers discuss PrEP and HIV with all patients, regardless of providers’ perception of risk. Next steps include small-scale implementation and evaluation.

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