Feasibility and Acceptability of Caring Contacts Texts for Suicide Prevention Among Veterans Recently Separated From Military Service

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Psychological Services


The primary purpose of this single-arm mixed-methods pilot trial was to examine the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary effects of a text message-based version of Caring Contacts, Caring Contacts texts (CC-t), among veterans recently separated from military service. Twenty-four veterans (Mage = 32.92, SD = 8.16; 75% male; 50% Black; 91.7% non-Hispanic/Latinx) were recruited through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and enrolled in CC-t, which involved approximately five text messages sent by the study team expressing care and concern over the course of 3 months. Participants completed pre- and postintervention assessments and an interview, during which self-reported feasibility and acceptability of CC-t, and preliminary effects of CC-t on health care engagement and suicide risk were assessed. Self-reported feasibility and acceptability of CC-t were also assessed among VA staff involved in the study. Among veterans and VA staff, scores on the Feasibility of Intervention Measure (M = 17.91 and M = 15.67, respectively) and Acceptability of Intervention Measure (M = 18.19; M = 19.33, respectively) were above the mean, suggesting that CC-t was easy to engage in or implement and was well-tolerated. These findings were reinforced in the qualitative feedback, which suggested that veterans found the text messages to be comfortable, convenient, and had a positive impact on their mood. Quantitative results provided preliminary evidence for improved veteran health care engagement following CC-t. CC-t appears to be feasible and acceptable among veterans and VA staff and holds promise as a primary suicide prevention for veterans making the transition from military service to civilian life.

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