Interplay between oral immunity in HIV and the microbiome

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Oral diseases


This Basic Science Workshop addressed the oral microbiome. At the 7th World Workshop on Oral Health & Disease in HIV/AIDS in India in 2014, some aspects of the human microbiome were discussed, and research questions formulated. Since that time, there have been major advances in technology, which have stimulated a number of publications on many aspects of the human microbiome, including the oral cavity. This workshop aimed to summarize current understanding of the "normal" microbiome of the oral cavity compared to that during HIV infection, and how oral immune factors and other clinical variables alter or control the oral microbiome. An important question is whether successful treatment with anti-retroviral therapy, which leads to a significant drop in viral loads and immune reconstitution, is associated with any change or recovery of the oral microbiome. Additionally, the workshop addressed the issue of which parameters are most appropriate/correct to evaluate the oral microbiome and how clinically relevant are shifts/changes in the oral microbiome. The workshop evaluated current knowledge in five research areas related to five basic questions and identified further topics where further research is required.

PubMed ID



26(Suppl 1)
