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Journal of Prosthodontics


PURPOSE: To evaluate how build orientation affects the fabrication trueness of additively manufactured implant-supported complete arch prostheses by comparing them to subtractively manufactured high-impact polymer-based prostheses. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An edentulous maxillary model with four implants at canine and first molar regions bilaterally was digitized (ATOS Core 80 5MP) to design a reference implant-supported complete arch prosthesis standard tessellation language file (RF-STL). The STL file was used to manufacture prostheses additively in five different orientations according to the build platform (AM-0, 0-degree; AM-15, 15-degree; AM-30, 30-degree; AM-45, 45-degree; AM-90, 90-degree) or subtractively (SM-HIP, control) (n = 10). The prostheses were digitized with an intraoral scanner (Trios 3) to generate their STLs (TF-STL). After superimposing TF-STLs over the RF-STL with a metrology-grade analysis software program (Geomagic Control X), surface deviations at four regions (overall, occlusal, overall without occlusal, and abutments), linear deviations at each abutment site, and interimplant distance deviations (canine-to-molar, canine-to-canine, and molar-to-molar) were calculated. One-way analysis of variance and Tukey HSD tests were used for the statistical analyses (α = 0.05). RESULTS: AM-90 mostly had the highest surface deviations, while AM-0 had the lowest overall, and lowest overall without occlusal region deviations (p ≤ 0.022). SM-HIP had the lowest occlusal region deviations (p < 0.001). AM-90 had the highest linear deviations (p < 0.001). AM-15 had higher canine-to-molar deviations than SM-HIP (p = 0.042). SM-HIP had the highest canine-to-canine deviations, while AM-90 had higher deviations than AM-0 and AM-30 (p ≤ 0.026). AM-45 and AM-90 had the highest and AM-0 had the lowest molar-to-molar deviations (p ≤ 0.013). CONCLUSIONS: AM-0 mostly had higher trueness and AM-90 mostly had lower trueness within tested outcomes. Additively manufactured prostheses mostly had lower canine-to-molar distances and higher molar-to-molar distances, whereas SM-HIP prostheses consistently had higher distances than the design file.

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