Silver Diammine Fluoride Usage in General Dentistry Offices in Louisiana

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Journal of Dentistry for Children


Purpose: To evaluate the current knowledge and usage of silver diammine fluoride (SDF) by general dentists in Louisiana and to identify primary barriers to the implementation of SDF. Methods: A 16-item survey was emailed to 1719 Louisiana Dental Association members to identify factors influencing general dentists' usage of SDF. Results: Eighty-two surveys were completed with a response rate of 4.8 percent, with 69 identified as general dentists. Over half of the respondents were male (53.6%) and their practice experience ranged from less than one year to 48 years. The majority were solo owners (43.5%) while 7.3 percent had jobs in the corporate setting. Most agreed/strongly agreed that their knowledge of SDF was from either dental journals or online resources, while fewer stated they were taught about SDF (25%) or used SDF (8%) in dental school. The majority knew the advantages and off-label usage of SDF. However, only 40 percent recognized that SDF was officially approved for tooth hypersensitivity only. The most reported perceived barrier to SDF implementation was not learning about SDF in dental school (36%). Conclusion: There is a lack of understanding of SDF usage among Louisiana general dentists. The main reason for not incorporating SDF into their practice is the lack of training in their dental education.

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