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Monday, April 1st
9:00 AM

A Phase 1 Clinical Trial Combining CAR T-Cell Therapy with Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cells in a Multi-Cultural Patient Population

Bry Reinhardt, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans

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Assessing Stigma in People Living with HIV

Kyle Mistretta, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
John W. Apolzan, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Hui-Yi Lin, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Connie Arnold, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Jonathan R. Schroeder, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
David Welsh, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Lauren E. Richey, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans

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Correctional Visitation and Reentry Outcomes: A Systematic Review

Victoria Sacco, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Tung Sung Tseng, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Gabrielle Gonzalez, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans

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Environmental, Behavioral, and Genetic Factors on Racial Disparities in Breast Cancer Outcomes

Yaqi Zou, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Nubaira Rizvi, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Kennedy Dorsey, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Yaguang Xi, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Qingzhao Yu, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans

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Explaining Differences in Cardiovascular Diseae Occurrence for Cigarette Users

Kennedy Dorsey, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Michael Celestin, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Michael Celestin, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans

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Extended Reality and Binge Eating Behaviors Among Diverse Racial and Ethnic Groups

GV Gonzalez, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
C Wang, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
R Wang, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
TS Tseng, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans

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From Delays to Denial: An Exploration of the Impact of "Grounds-Based" Abortion Restrictions on Mental Health

Lacy Hembree, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans

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Gabapentin to Cyclobensaprine: A Case of Acute Reversible Iatrogenic Anticholinergic Delirium Influence by Schedule V Classifications

Viet Le, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Sanjana Easwar, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Jacob Cambre, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Michael Dicharry, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans

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Impementation Science Applied: Expansion of Evidence-Based Programs in Louisiana

Willandra Whiting, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Sara Juneau, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Ashley Fenton, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Kelsey Witmeier, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Stephen Phillippi, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans

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Implementing SBIRT and Person-Centered Care for Louisiana's Families in Needs of Services

Sara C. Juneau, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Willandra Whiting, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Ashley Fenton, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Kelsey Witmeier, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Stephen Phillippi, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans

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Molecular Testing (MSI/IHC) in New Diagnosed CRC Patients in Louisiana, with Differences by Race and Level of Urbanization

Benjamin Bienvenue, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans

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Neighborhood Influence on Health Behaviors Among Survivors of Childhood Cancer

James W. Kinchen, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
I-Chan Huang, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Tara M. Brinkman, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Rachel Webster, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Deo Kumar Srivastava, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Kevin R. Krull, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Kirsten K. Ness, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Leslie L. Robinson, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Melissa M. Hudson, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Carmen L. Wilson, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans

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Perceptions of Manual Vacuum Aspiration among Resident and Atending Physicians in Louisiana

Kelly Chau, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Mirandy Li, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Jennifer Robinson, Johns Hopkins University
Stacey Scheib, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans

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Pulmonary Health Impacts of Golden Tobacco Flavored Cused Alto Aerosols in Vulnerable Populations of Young Mice

Noah Black-Ocken, LSU School of Veterinary Medicine
Blaire Holliday, LSU School of Veterinary Medicine
Zakia Perveen, LSU School of Veterinary Medicine
Matthew Schexnayder, Lincoln Memorial University
Alexandra Noel, LSU School of Veterinary Medicine

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Sociodemographic Differences in Substance Use and Delinquency among Youth Participating in a Targeted mentor Program - Camp Mariposa

Ashley Fenton, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Sara Junea, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Willandra Whiting, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Kesley Witmeir, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
Stephen Phillippi, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans

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The Future of Public Health: How the COVID-19 Pandemic Affected a Public Health Educational Pipeline

K. Thakkar, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
K. Bruno, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
M. Cuccia, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
F. Tsien, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans

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