Racial differences in interprofessional socialization and valuing in pharmacy students

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Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice


Background: The purpose of this study was to examine interprofessional valuing and socialization in all four levels of pharmacy students and to ascertain differences including racial differences throughout the program. Methods: Data were collected from students across the 4-year pharmacy programs at 2 schools at two time points: beginning in the Fall semester and at the end of the Spring semester. The online survey consisted of demographic questions along with Interprofessional Socialization and Valuing Scale (ISVS). Results: Asian students had lower ISVS scores compared to White and African-American/Black students. There was a difference in all scores for beginning of year P1 and end of year P4 for all races, but the scores were not significantly different for Asian students. Conclusion: Our study reports on multiple areas in which racial differences may exist in interprofessional socialization and valuing across all 4 years of pharmacy school.



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