Reticular Myxoid Odontogenic Neoplasm with Novel STRN::ALK Fusion: Report of 2 Cases in 3-Year-Old Males

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Head and Neck Pathology


Odontogenic tumors represent a collection of entities ranging from hamartomas to destructive benign and malignant neoplasms. Occasionally, pathologists encounter gnathic lesions which clearly exhibit an odontogenic origin but do not fit within the confines of established diagnoses. Here, we describe two such odontogenic tumors, both affecting 3-year-old males. Each case presented as a destructive, radiolucent mandibular lesion composed of mesenchymal cells, some with unique multi-lobed nuclei, frequently arranged in a reticular pattern and supported by a myxoid stroma with focal laminations. Production of odontogenic hard tissues was also seen. Because of their unique microscopic features, both cases were investigated by next-generation sequencing and found to harbor the same STRN::ALK oncogene fusion. To our knowledge, these cases represent the first report of an odontogenic tumor with a STRN::ALK gene rearrangement. We propose the possibility that this neoplasm could be separate from other known odontogenic tumors. Both patients were treated with surgical resection and reconstruction. The prognosis of patients with this entity is currently uncertain but shall become more apparent over time as more cases are identified and followed.

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