

Counselors encounter ethical dilemmas throughout the course of their careers. As new issues arise that change legislation, the counseling profession must translate these ethical concerns into new practices. The authors in this paper apply the ethical decision-making model created by Corey, Corey, and Callanan (2010) to an ethical dilemma with regards to confidentiality of a client-assisted suicide. A growing number of states are considering reform legislation to allow end-of-life assistance (Downie, 2016). In this scenario, a client seeking grief counseling discloses to his counselor his intent to assist his terminally ill wife in her suicide request. Utilizing Corey, Corey, and Callanan’s (2010) ethical decision-making model, the authors review the applicable ethical codes and laws, offer ethical and unethical potential courses of action, and evaluate the ethical decision made by the counselor in this fictitious case. Ultimately, any ethical dilemma is a step-by-step process and a case-by-case analysis.
